Self-Employed With A Side Hustle In Switzerland - These Are Our Tips For Getting Started.

This part-time job is an option for many to slowly approach the new terrain. For others, it is a “side hustle” to improve their cash register with their own skills and ideas. Regardless of the motivation to dedicate yourself to your own business after your main job, you also have to deal with administrative and tax issues.
So that your time, which you have planned for self-employment as a sideline, is not spent managing paper and financial stuff, there is ESNuMarics. This means that accounting processes run automatically — in real time and seamlessly.
Here we answer a few common questions that arise if you are planning to become self-employed in Switzerland on a part-time basis.
Am I allowed to become self-employed in Switzerland in addition to working?
In principle, yes! However, self-employment as a side job must not create any competitive situations with the company in the main profession. If you start consulting, for example, then your customers should not be working in your main employer's industry. If you are a programmer or business developer, then the product you are developing as a sideline should not be close to the products of your main employer. In addition, the employer may require that your performance be used primarily for salaried work. We therefore recommend that you schedule as fixed times as possible to do your side gig. In any case, it is important to check your employment contract for agreements on the subject of self-employment and not to neglect the main job.
What do I have to pay attention to when it comes to tax?
If you have an income of more than CHF 2300.00 in a calendar year, you must register your self-employment. Numarics does that for you. To do this, you can simply download the Numarics app, enter your data and apply to found a company. The operations team of trustees certified in Switzerland will then process the legal registrations for you and inform you which documents you may still have to submit. Paperwork is also sent via a mobile phone - here you scan the documents for the authorities and Numarics does the rest for you.
With a click in the app, you can book a telephone consultation with a trustee at any time. Thanks to fast digital processes, you have the most cost-effective solution for escrow services in Switzerland. Above all, you save valuable time for self-employment, which should not be spent on paperwork.
It's exciting that you can use the expenses you need for your business to reduce taxes. This includes business trips, the use of your private vehicle for business appointments, restaurant visits with customers, Internet costs, the purchase of a laptop and much more. If you are unsure whether an expenditure is commercially justified, i.e. can be included in your accounting, then you can talk to a Numarics trustee in chat or on the phone. That you receive good advice is important and included and a top priority at Numarics.
Automation: The key to success in self-employment in a part-time job
All documents such as receipts and invoices are fully digitized at Numarics and archived according to legal documents in Switzerland. So you're on the safe side. Simply scan the receipt when you receive it. For example, this is the hospitality document following a visit to a restaurant with a customer or business partner. Numarics then automatically books the output.
Part-time self-employment is becoming increasingly popular and new studies show that they are possible primarily through technologies. Zapier's Side Hustles In 2022Report reports that self-employed people are more successful in part-time employment through automation with the help of technologies.
This result was found in a comparison of the younger generation, who spend less time on self-employment as a sideline job than their older colleagues, but generate just as much turnover. It turned out that the young generation is simply already using more automation technologies.
With this in mind, we would be delighted if you use Numarics to automate your bookkeeping. With our pioneering solutions for sole proprietors, startups and SMEs, we were awarded gold in the Enterprise category by Best Of Swiss Apps. Now we'd like to know more about you and your business!