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Holiday greetings for customers, network and team in Switzerland

Now holiday greetings

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Have you had this experience as well? The fourth and therefore last quarter of a year is the most productive and hectic time for creators and entrepreneurs. After the summer break and a start, it's time to go full steam from October to December. The home straight is the holidays, which then feel like an abrupt break. You only hear from customers, team or network again in the new year.


We are in the final spurt of 2022 and it is time to achieve what we have set out to do for this year. Despite all our honorable focus and ambition, we should not forget that customer loyalty, team and network maintenance are also part of entrepreneurial work and should not be neglected. On the contrary, the end of the year is just the right time for gestures of appreciation.


We would therefore like to remind you to plan your holiday greetings or Christmas parties with your team now. Here are our ideas for holiday greetings for customers, network and team:


Christmas cards written by Robot


Handwritten holiday cards show appreciation particularly well for customers and networks. Good news: The time-consuming process is now omitted with a solution from Swiss Post. She now has a Robopen who does the writing for you. The Robopen can imitate your handwriting and create personalized content with ballpoint pens, pens or special pens, which are then immediately sent by post. 100% digital and automated — exactly what we need now to create everything. Scan or upload the invoice via the Numarics app to have the Christmas greetings billed as marketing expenses.


Practical employee gifts


Popular employee gifts in Switzerland include motorway vignettes or the half-day subscription, which are fully tax-deductible. Expenses for recognizing hard work can be taken into account for tax purposes to a large extent and can therefore reduce your profit taxes. This involves expenditure on so-called personnel welfare. Simply upload invoices via the Numarics app and have them taken into account. Memberships as employee gifts are also popular, for example with the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation, which can be used to secure yourself for the future. The same applies to memberships as a Rega patron.


The Christmas party


If you work in a team, then a Christmas party is almost mandatory. As an unwritten law, it must take place so that you can get all the tensions in the team, this at the end of the year (what a word!) Be able to pile up. As a company party, this can be taken into account for tax purposes and thus reduce your profit taxes. So you celebrate 100% in the spirit of the company and with this information, you can plan the party more carefree. Regardless of whether you are holding the party in an external location or in your own office, the expenditure on mulled wine, punch and raclette under the Christmas tree is deductible. Simply scan receipts and upload them to the Numarics app and start with the “Christmas Party” tag. Our operations team of trustees will then know how to correctly record the receipts for you.



Have fun planning the fun activities at the end of the year!!

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