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3 mistakes to avoid when starting the second business

3 mistakes to avoid the second time around reasons

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Anyone who has already founded a company successfully (or not) can usually well imagine founding a start-up a second time. This blog post explains which mistakes should be avoided in order to (also) be successful the second time around.

Founder mistake number 1: Starting up too quickly

Anyone who has ever founded a company knows the processes. The inhibition to start a business again is much lower. And that's a good thing. But it can also be dangerous. Because anyone who jumps in at the deep end too quickly and starts a new company runs the risk of not having carefully examined and weighed up all aspects. Even when setting up a second company, it is important to obtain detailed information beforehand.

If you get started quickly, you might not have enough time to think about whether that's really what you want to do in the next ten years if it's successful.

Founder mistake number 2: Overestimating yourself

Acting quickly can also lead to mistake number two: The assumption that we can solve any problem. You think you have some kind of superpower. You've done it once before, so of course you'll do it again. All of a sudden, you see all these problems in the world that need to be solved and you think you're the right person to solve them. But this also means that you look at options that don't necessarily suit you. Not all challenges in the world are a suitable business case.

Founder mistake number 3: Wanting to do everything alone

Something that all founders will probably notice in the course of their entrepreneurial life is also one of the most important lessons of all: You don't have to be able to do everything alone. And that is exactly why it is highly advisable not to set up entirely alone. Look for someone who complements your knowledge, who is strong in areas in which you are not (yet) very familiar. Someone who believes in the vision with you and helps you get started!


  • Entrepreneurs often set up several times
  • In order to be successful (even) the second time around, common mistakes should be avoided
  • For this, it is important not to set up too quickly
  • You should definitely not overestimate yourself
  • You don't have to do everything alone — co-founders are important support

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