
Easier financial management with our Expert tools

Accounting deadlinesFree accounting toolsFinancial KPI toolsSuccess stories

Deadlines for bookkeeping

The most important deadlines for the current year.


With these calculators, you can easily calculate VAT, 13th monthly salary and vacation amounts.

Computation financial KPIs

With our key figure calculators, important figures such as EBITDA, EBITDA margin, turnover-related liquidity, equity ratio, debt ratio and collection liquidity can be easily calculated and thus enable a comprehensive financial analysis.

Transform your business:

Support start-ups, freelancers and companies with the financial tools and expertise for success. Numarics helps you on your journey to financial excellence.

Numarics has become indispensable for us. The ability to receive documents digitally and in real time has significantly improved our communication with clients and increased efficiency in our accounting processes.

Arbnor Jashari,

Certified Teuhandexpert